>> Every Bedroom Is a Porn Studio, PopMatters, December 13, 2024.

>> Ley of the Land in The Rake, October 2024.

>> "Working in Shoes" in Spout #29, Spout Press: Summer, 2024.

>> "February" in Pettycoat Relaxer, issue 7 (July, 2024).

>> "The Spring" in Harrington Gay Men's Fiction Quarterly vol. 6, issue 1 (2024).

>> "The Cruisiest Toilet in London" in smoke: a london peculiar #4

>> "Noon Hour in Athens" and "Night in Nafplio", Gertrude: A Journal of Voice and Vision, 2024

>>"Conversations on gay.com", OutSight, [Summer, 2024]

>>"Down by the River", Mpls Love, Spring, 2024

Aiyeee! Dog's Breakfast #2 has arrived just in time to revive the ailing corpse of public discourse. Continuing the trend of bringing together the topics that matter in a fashion that's timely, DB #2 puts forth the definitive (and often only) word on...the best goddamn hotdogs in Chicago...lost lakes of Minneapolis...the place where I got mugged...and...the Leyden Street public toilet. Copies can be found at Arise!, Quimby's, or you can get one from moi directly by sending two bucks or a zine to:

Dog's Breakfast
2325 Grand Ave. S.
Apt. 6
Minneapolis, MN 55405

Dog's Breakfast #1 has been out for sometime now. You can still buy a copy -- it comes in print -- yes, I mean paper. You can hold it and it must be sent for through the mail. Buy one for two bucks or a zine. Sooo very retro of me, I know. But I was tired of my little carrier-pigeon submissions fluttering back into my mailbox, a little worse for wear. Each issue will bring together the inane, useless, and concupiscent topics I happen to be obsessing over at the time. Issue #1 was put together late at night at work, when the office is abandoned to the Russian cleaners. It brings together my latest obsessions: my iPod, online profiles of not-so-famous gay men, the intersection of 26th and Lyndale, and beautiful young soldiers who have died in Iraq.

>> Five o'clock bot is a website of junk.

Speaking of, click here for old photos from fiveoclokbot's earlier incarnation.

If Jason were a Belle & Sebastian album, this would be his cover:

He lives in Minneapolis and works in publishing.

Those halcyon days ...