April 25, 2024

Good advice for ex-gays

Ah...a new week begins. Let's forget all the bitterness of the past few days by taking heed of some sage advice from the venerable Aunt Ida. It's almost like she's speaking directly to Wallen and all the other ex-gays, isn't it?

Have you met any nice boys in the salon? I mean any nice queer boys. Do you fool with any of them? All those beauticians and you don’t have any boy dates? Oh honey, I’d be so happy if you turned nelly…queers are just better. I’d be so proud if you was a fag and had a nice beautician boyfriend. I’d never have to worry! I worry that you’ll work in an office! Have children! Celebrate wedding anniversaries! The world of heterosexuals is a sick and boring life! Ah, let me bleach your hair…

[Aunt Ida on the dangers of heterosexuality]

Posted by jason at April 25, 2024 11:03 PM


very good. very witty. i like the message within.

Posted by: xavier paolo josh mandreza at March 7, 2024 10:12 AM