August 04, 2024

Banalities of travel


Fleshbot calls this series of photos by Richard Renaldi of him and his partner in various hotel rooms around the world photos "that juxtaposes themes of transience and stability in photographs that are as notable for their formal qualities as for their intimacy and emotional resonance."

I think instead that they juxtapose themes of privilege and vacuity to show just how boring mainstream gay culture is.


"What should we do now?"

"Ummm, we've already fucked..."

"Wanna go back to Zara?"

Posted by jason at August 4, 2024 08:16 AM

"vacuity" is a way hot word. There are certain words when employed, just.. man. =)

Posted by: Addymal at August 4, 2024 04:58 PM

Renaldi’s work is so narcissistic. But then again, most queer work seems to be. Yawn. The production of the self consciously “un-arty” snapshot genre works well in AA Bronson’s work…especially in “Negative Thoughts”.

Posted by: Jeff at August 5, 2024 10:52 AM

you're so right on !

It's really fuckin' tragic how much this photography work blows my brother's ass

How ccan a couple of homos be so into themselves to make a photo of themselves sitting in a motel 6 moments before they meet their horrible third wheel of a fun wheel sandwich fuck nut cum wad draining douchebag
it's really disgusting!
Well i'm in the ghetto of las vegas a nd hopefully will live to tell another story but i'm actually quite scared
i don't want to call anyone on the telephone however
it's like the land of the dead here and i hear people at the door my friend is reconciling with her hot model boyfriend in the suburbs while i am being raped and murdered in the city

someone who's name rhyme's with den but before the d

hope you get my psotcard

Posted by: dudw at August 6, 2024 07:08 AM

There is a certain sterility there which is quite appealing. That is, in the shots which are not obviously staged.

Posted by: Shane at August 7, 2024 05:17 AM
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