October 20, 2024

Breaking: Elliott Smith's "Basement II"

A previously unreleased batch of Elliott Smith songs has made its way on to the web this past week which people are calling "Basement II"...a whopping 22 unreleased tracks that are pretty good. It's autumn, and this could be the soundtrack.

Try here and here for the zip file...each song is encoded as m4a files so should work fine in iTunes (that's where mine are playing from now).

[thanks, matt!]

Posted by jason at October 20, 2024 12:26 PM

thanks for this. i love elliot smith. and now i love you. :) -j

Posted by: johnny at October 20, 2024 07:48 PM

i cant find a place to download the basement 2 songs. please email me if you know where/how??

Posted by: ryan tevebaugh at November 15, 2024 04:01 PM

I don't know your email, but if you happen back by here, I have them online:


Posted by: paul kemp at February 12, 2006 12:24 AM
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