November 13, 2024


How about some random Flickr pools for you as I valiantly try not to write...

>> Flickr: The SuicideBOYS Pool

>> Flickr: The Homoerotic Pool

>> Flickr: The Casual Sex Pool

>> Flickr: The Porn Exchange Pool

>> Flickr: The Pornorama Pool

>> Flickr: Photos tagged with banksy

girls were running on stage, security guards were throwing them off. the girls were tearing off [band members'] clothes; click here if you are leaving for las vegas later tonight: plushes tied to the gills of trucks in new york times with minnesota connection; what does white france think?; ashbery books reviewed in the guardian

Posted by jason at November 13, 2024 02:24 PM

I was just over in Paris this long weekend - and I was a little disappointed for not witnessing any RIOTS or Burning cars,etc....which in a way was good. Went to Clubs and did see alot of non-white France I don't understand the comment made by that Radio Journalist...The Media can suck the big ONE!

Posted by: Seb at November 15, 2024 04:21 PM
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