November 19, 2024

I Feel Like Estelle Today...

Bittersweet ruinion for the Golden Girls today, lauching a DVD season one of the show that made me a fag. THAT'S going on my Xmas list RIGHT NOW.
The girls quipped:

he DVD release serves up each episode from the 1985-86 season, "When we were all oh, so young and beautiful and fresh," noted McClanahan.
"Well, two out of three ain't bad," joked White, 82.
White said she knew she struck gold the minute she read the show's first script, AP Television News reported.
"Oh, and it was such a thrill," she said. "You do a lot of shows over the years. I've been in the business for 55 years."
Enter McClanahan: "She started out in silent television."

But the reunion was tinged with sadness as well. No Estelle Getty.
But, Arthur noted, getting together now isn't at all like the old days.
"No," she said, flatly.
After all, Getty, 81, was conspicuously absent. Getty retired in 2000, after announcing she had Parkinson's disease (news - web sites).
Arthur could barely get through a sentence, choking up when talking about how Getty's memory had faded.
And McClanahan detailed her own recent phone conversation with her former co-star.
"I said, `Hey, Estelle, how ya doin'?' And all she said was ... `Yes.'


Posted by jason at November 19, 2024 03:42 PM
