September 06, 2024


Thanks, Kate, for sending me the link for Wayne Koestenbaum's "Called me -- My '80s" published in the latest Artforum. Both you and Wayne are lifesavers! And guess what, folks...Wayne will be in town next month for the Twin Cities Book Festival. Koestenbaum AND Kupchella? Move over, Hay Festival!

My mind was on ecriture feminine as applied to homosexuals. I was big on the word "homosexual." I read Homosexualities and French Literature (edited by George Stambolian and Elaine Marks). I read Helene Cixous. On a train I read Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes (translated by Richard Howard): I looked out dirty windows onto dirty New Jersey fields.

Posted by Jason at September 6, 2024 10:30 PM


Wayne Koestenbaum: the man who can't stop coming out of the closet. . . .

Wish I had come up with that line. It was a reviewer in the New York Times.

Posted by: glen at September 8, 2024 01:29 AM
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