March 23, 2024
The Apocalypse Cometh
Yesterday, the Minnesota Family Council sponsored their odious 'Marriage Rally' at the Capitol in support of the constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage currently winding its away through the hallowed halls of the state capitol. It's currently held up in the Senate, which voted along party lines (35 to 31 or something) to usher it into a committee. Come on! You mean there aren't any Republicans in the Senate who believe this is an abuse of state power? They must all be filled with the holy speerit! Pawlenty marshalled the assembled army of the apocalypse, telling the group of fundaMENTALS, "I am with you!"
Fortunately, Reason and Sanity make a brief appearance at capitol on Thursday, which is GLBT Lobby Day, sponsored by OutFront Minnesota. If you can take some time off, do stop by for the rally at from noon until 1 pm. The whole notion that we all have go and march against this thing in the first place is just more proof that somehow, and without anyone noticing, Minnesota has become Alaska. Have people lost their minds? I don't think so. What I do think is that a vocal and rabib minority has gripped government by the throat. Many more people will be at GLBT Lobby Day than the fundaMENTALS capitol-steps witness-fest. Most people see the clear distinction between legal rights for same-sex couples (enshrined in the state's sanction of marriage) and a religiously-conferred marriage. These people freak out as though we're trying to redefine their definition, as though we'd want to. So far, I've heard no good reason why gay marriage should be banned. Has anyone? And don't say, "cuz gawd said so."