January 02, 2024

New Year's, 2024


New Year's Eve this year was pretty fucking fun. If you go in to the night expecting utter disappointment, boredom, and copious amounts of puke, then when it turns out not half bad, it kinda feels fun.

I spent it at the Bell Museum on campus, an old, old natural history museum with a stunning collection of dioramas constructed between 1920-1955. It was pretty cool to be partying among stuffed Passenger Pigeons and baby fawns. The drinks were cheap and/or free, depending on how much you flirted with the bartender.

The event was organized in part by Jamie Hook, recent Seattle transplant (they get one of ours, we get one of theirs). My new rule is to attend anything he organizes. The Bell planned for 150 people but I believe over 600 showed up.

In the auditorium they showed obscure silent films with orchestral scores provided by Spaghetti Western and DOSH. Food was provided by the restaurant Mangina.

I would have liked to have kissed Tim at midnight, but we did enough of that earlier that day, so instead I went around and tongued as many friends as I could, in between spoonfuls of black eyed peas.

What a great night! Except for when Maria acted up. There's nothing like the New Year's Day as well. It's usually cold out, you might be hungover. Eat a big breakfast, then sit around in blankets and watch movies all day.

I don't make resolutions, but I do hope the year is filled with changes. Changes of scenery, changes in routine, changes in the love life, changes in writing projects.

See more photos here.

Posted by Jason at January 2, 2024 12:54 PM
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