May 17, 2024

Which of you pussyfaces is gonna blog my ass while I'm gone?

Tickets to Seattle have been booked. The lowly pale turnip editorial assistant Jason is emerging from underneath the musty tomes for some hiking and hip fabulosity with Brian. We'll be staying with my awesome Uncle Mike, who lives on First Hill high up in a condo. It'll be just like fucking Frasier. We'll suffer Chris until he stops buying us drinks, go hiking, eat sushi, and hang out with Brian's rawkstar friends.

So, any of you pussyfaces wants to guest blog while I'm gone? Send me an email. I've got lots of haters to keep entertained.

Posted by Jason at May 17, 2024 10:32 PM

I'm going to buy you drinks? Yeah, that's going to happen. Surely the two of you will be far too busy hiking your scrawny arses up the side of Mt. Rainier, getting lost, and being rescued on live television (much to our major amusement) to force me into playing tour guide...

Posted by: CPH Jones at May 18, 2024 09:08 AM

When I clicked Brian in this blog, I got a broken link. This can't be good. Brian, if Jason's with you don't get too close to the railing on the Puget Sound ferry, particularly if it's after dark. All of this is in Raymond Chandler.

Posted by: glen at May 18, 2024 01:36 PM
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