June 21, 2024

Dance card dilemma

On this, the longest day of the year, two shows tempt me. I've never been torn by such an existential crisis. Do I stick to my original plans and join the rest of the geezers chugging pints at The Streets show? Or do I posture rockingly at The Shins and Calexico? I've been listening to Calexico all morning long, thanks to Kate Silver's declaration the they're the sexiest band she's seen. The music makes me want to 1) eat a burrito 2) take a road trip to Arizona 3) go see them at First Ave.

Dare I do both? The Shins doors open at 5, The Streets starts around 9. The downside? Both shows cost $17.50. Raising the possiblity among coworkers brings about wary "ooohhhs." What should I do?

Posted by Jason at June 21, 2024 12:27 PM
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