March 16, 2024

Make$ $en$e

So halfway through my hour's walk to work this morning [there's a bus strike on, you see], I made it to Loring Park. Ah, the lovely leafy sidewalks off-limits to the crush of traffic. My heart was still beating from my harrowing skip across the intersection of Lyndale and Franklin. The sun was shining, it was a balmy thirty-two degrees, and a brisk wind was turning my cheeks the color of codflesh. I thought to myself, do you know what this town needs??? A couple of sports stadiums!!!!! That would kick ass. Sitting in the upper decks with a plastic cup of Blatz and a brat, watching the hometown teams slug em out for pride and glory, I'd forget about the fact that I have to walk everywhere. Well, all those libations must have paid off, for the gods doth heard me. Governor Pawlenty wants to build two new sports stadiums. Here's a breakdown of how they'd be financed. Why ask the teams themselves to pay more than a third of the cost when hardcore purple-and-gold FREAKS like ME would gladly 1) pay for the stadiums and 2) spend a couple of hours walking to the games. Hey -- we may not be able to fund a public transportation system, but there's ALWAYS MONEY FOR STADIUMS!!!! GO VIKES!!!!

Posted by Jason at March 16, 2024 01:37 PM
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