January 20, 2024

Judge Me. Please.

Mighty asked me to answer these questions. Doing so probably disqualifies me from ever writing for the City Pages, but oh well, here goes...

1. What is the total amount of music files on your computer?
Nothing really stays on my computer. I have 2796 songs on my iPod. That's 7.9 days of aural violence.

2. The CD you last bought is?
The Dears's No Cities Left. Kinda like The Arcade Fire with Morissey on vocals.

3. What is the song you last listened to?
"How soon is now" by The Smiths, from Thank You Lucky Star, live in L.A., 1986. Anthem to a thousand underage queer Mancunians. This particular version gives me major shivers.

4. Write down five songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.
1. "The State I Am In," Belle and Sebastian, Tigermilk. Most played song of mine.
2. "The Man Who Told Everything," The Doves, Lost Souls. European train trips, Sunday mornings, Landing and taking off.
3. "The Road," Turin Brakes, The Optimist LP. South Clapham, Brit indie duo, five a.m. night buses back to Brixton after wandering London all night.
4. "Libera me," from Verdi's Requiem. Sang it as a highschool student with a symphony and a 150 person choir. At the time, I thought I was experiencing God. Turns out it was just a really fucking cool feeling.
5. "Birdhouse in Your Soul," They Might Be Giants, Flood. I was not a punk in middle school. I was a nerd. And TMBG protected me. Skateboarding, Sega Genesis, stealing shopping carts.

5. Who are you going to pass the stick to?
Kate. Quelle hip.
Glen. Just curious.
Brian. Soon joining the fray, you know.

See also: who are the people in your neighborhood?; be a rebel; prepare to loose your mind.

Posted by Jason at January 20, 2024 12:57 PM


Yeah, it seems everybody's getting retarded over The Dears lately. I'll have to check them out.

New Doves album coming soon! Cannot wait. And why do Turin Brakes never tour (substantially) the US?

Thanks for posting that!

Posted by: Mighty at January 21, 2024 09:40 AM

Aren't these lists extraordinarily show-offish and pretentious? I don't know about anybody else, but when I'm asked questions like this, I usually give an answer that fits the image I want other people to have of me, rather than what's really accurate. In other words, I'd list Beethoven's String Quartets and Rashomon rather than Yma Sumac's Greatest Hits and Porky's II: The Next Day.

Plus, re: top ten lists: works of art aren't baseball teams; it's not necessary to rank them.

Posted by: glen at January 21, 2024 11:30 AM

I guess I don't think about it that much. I just assume people are being honest. It's kind of personal stuff. I like to see what people are into.

Posted by: Mighty at January 21, 2024 12:37 PM

Good stuff! I'll hit back soon. Oh the Marianne Faithfull, so much to say...

Posted by: Kate at January 24, 2024 12:38 PM

I'm loving The Dears. Maybe getting all retarded over them even.

Posted by: Sharyn at January 26, 2024 09:39 PM
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