May 18, 2024

I hate my life!!!!!!

I'm sick of the layout of my website. It's boring and is not befitting the iHip web designer and multimedia guru from Long Island City, Greenpoint, Redhook I pretend to be. Things might get a bit wonky as I play around with stuff over the next few days. Why not? it's summer and I'm moving soon. Ignore the mess (if a mess should materialize) and instead listen to the new album from The Streets. It's well good.

Posted by Jason at May 18, 2024 10:46 PM

I think it's interesting how many people say, oh, my website's boring, or my hair is boring, or my job is boring, when actually it's THEY who are boring. Just a general comment, not meant to apply to Jason of course.

Posted by: glen at May 18, 2024 01:39 PM

I'm also trying to get rid of my boring friends, as they seem to have nothing better to do but harass me on my website through pseudonymous postings, but I simply can't shake 'em.

Posted by: jason at May 18, 2024 04:08 PM

Pseydonymous? What do you think my real name is anyway, Aardvark?

Posted by: glen at May 18, 2024 04:13 PM

Clay Aiken? Dr. Phil?

Though I heard your real name is Glenda.

Posted by: jason at May 18, 2024 04:34 PM

"the iHip web designer and multimedia guru from Long Island City I pretend to be" - HAW HAW HAW! First, NO ONE lives in Long Island City anymore. That's like saying "Um, and like, yeah, I like live in Williamsburg." Second, I remember running into you at the Folwell Hall language lab and you were all like using the Geocities Site Editor to update your homepage. You can't fool me. Particularly as my memories are so much better than anything your syphillis riddled swiss cheese of a chunk of gray matter could ever hope to retain. Haw! Haw! You're a very funny boy!

Posted by: CPH Jones at May 18, 2024 09:59 PM


I think you should guest blog. Jason, tell him to.

Posted by: mike at May 20, 2024 07:47 AM
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