August 04, 2024

Presidential Blogs are Lame

From The Onion: apparently President Bush has a blog, and it's suckass.

Boring Wednesday. Didn't really do anything but take a couple phone calls. Napped for almost two hours. Don't you hate it when you get up from a nap and you just can't get going again? I even had a super huge caramel latte (yum!) but that didn't even help. I'm useless today! Maybe tomorrow'll be better.

Posted by Jason at August 4, 2024 10:49 AM


LOL. Now that's funny! It would be great to start a fake blog and advertise it as Bush's blog. !!!

Posted by: SparklesMpls at August 4, 2024 02:10 PM

Go to Google and type in "miserable failure."

Posted by: glen at August 4, 2024 06:05 PM
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